Does egg diet help to lose weight?

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Eggs are one of the healthiest foods. It has quality protein, healthy fats, and many essential vitamins and nutrients. Eggs also have several unique properties that make them suitable foods for weight loss. But can an egg diet be good for weight loss? Who can eat eggs consistently to lose weight if the answer is yes? Eggs are handy, but egg-slimming diets can be dangerous!

What is the boiled egg slimming diet?

You eat at least two or three eggs daily on a boiled egg diet, which means that to lose weight with this diet, you must have one boiled egg in each meal! The following is the diet plan for one day of this diet:

  • Breakfast: at least two eggs and a piece of fruit (low-carb vegetables or optional protein);
  • Lunch: eggs or lean protein with low-carb vegetables;
  • Dinner: Lean eggs or protein and low-carb vegetables

The first thing that strikes you about this diet is that it is very tedious.

Eating a repetitive meal at each meal will frustrate your diet. It is better to go on diets with a wide variety of foods.

Why the egg diet?

The truth is that merely being low in calories is not a good reason to eat all the time. You cannot eat only eggs for a long time. So what about the other nutrients your body needs? Or the harm of overeating eggs to your body?

But many people think the egg diet is good for weight loss because of the following reasons:

1: It has few calories!

The easiest way to lose weight is to reduce your daily calorie intake. A large egg has 78 calories and is rich in nutrients. One serving of eggs is 2 to 4 eggs. Three large boiled eggs have less than 240 calories.

Adding a serving of vegetables to them will give you 300 calories. Remember that if you fry eggs in oil or butter, each teaspoon of oil adds 50 calories. It is true.

Eggs are low in calories and a great choice for breakfast, as long as you eat a balanced diet that lets your body get all the nutrients it needs.

2: It reduces appetite!

Eggs are rich in nutrients, and due to their high protein content, they make us feel whole. Protein-rich foods are known to reduce appetite compared to low-protein foods.

Research has shown that egg servings increase the feeling of loss of appetite compared to other meals with the same amount of calories. As a result, you get fewer calories at other meals.

Eggs rank high in the table, known as the appetite index. This table shows how much food increases your appetite. In that case, you should reduce your calorie intake accordingly.

Eating a protein-rich diet will reduce your needs by up to 60%. According to research, following such a diet cuts cravings for food at night in half.

However, if you want to eat an egg at every meal, you will soon hate its taste. Then the different properties of eggs are no longer necessary to you, and your heart wants to leave the egg diet at the first opportunity and enter the restaurant you like to eat food with different flavors.

As a result, your diet will be disrupted, and you will not only gain weight but also lose weight.

3: Increases metabolism!

Eggs have all the essential amino acids. The body uses protein in the egg to maintain muscle and increase metabolism. A high-protein diet boosts your metabolism by 80 to 100 calories daily.

We suggest eating it for breakfast to get the most out of this egg property. Of course, as long as you have a balanced and standard diet, eating eggs in the morning boosts your metabolism and keeps you full for longer.

Is a boiled egg helpful in your diet?

This diet contains healthy foods, but it is not a balanced and healthy diet. The boiled egg diet is highly restrictive and extremely low in calories. Eggs are suitable for the body, but not the only food in the diet!

The American Heart Association says that one egg (or two egg whites) a day can be part of a healthy diet. Eggs will be a great breakfast. Boiled eggs are a nutritious snack, but eating various foods will be a healthier way to lose weight.

What are the side effects of an egg slimming diet?

This diet is low in calories and restricts many high-fiber foods, such as whole grains and legumes. For this reason, if you are not careful, you may not get enough fiber.

Experts recommend that men 50 years of age and younger get at least 38 grams of fiber and women at least 25 grams. By following this diet, you will not get enough fiber and will be exposed to constipation.

If you only eat eggs, you are more likely to get constipation because eggs have zero grams of fiber.

Eggs are also a food allergen. Anyone who is allergic to eggs should not try the egg diet. Limits on an egg diet can jeopardize bone density, heart health, and digestion, especially if followed for a long time.

1. Low calcium

The egg diet doesn’t have good sources of calcium, and dairy isn’t a part of it. To meet your needs, precise versions of the egg diet don’t even include high-calcium vegetables or foods that have been fortified.

Adults need 1,000 to 1,300 milligrams of calcium a day. Three large eggs have about 24 mg of calcium. 2 cups of cooked or starchless vegetables provide less than 100 mg of calcium per serving.

Not getting enough calcium can threaten the health of people with low bone density, especially postmenopausal women, who are generally at higher risk. Inadequate calcium intake also contributes to cardiovascular disease and some cancers.

2: It has high cholesterol.

Putting cholesterol and eggs in the diet is not bad. However, people at high risk for heart disease are still advised to limit their consumption to one egg per day. Because egg yolks are high in cholesterol, they can harm heart health when consumed in large quantities.

3: Low-fiber

Fiber is essential for healthy and regular digestion. Like other animal products, eggs do not naturally contain fiber. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends at least 25 grams of fiber per day for women and 38 grams for men.

Even if you use some fruits and vegetables in your egg diet, it is practically impossible to reach this level when eggs are your primary food.

Fiber is good for more than just the digestive system. It is also good for people with diabetes and heart disease. It also helps to lose weight. Loss of fiber disrupts the egg diet.

What do experts say about the egg diet?

Even though the idea of losing weight quickly is appealing, the egg diet is too strict. Experts say it is unlikely to be lasting and beneficial.

Nutritionists say that learning to eat healthy foods from all food groups will help you be flexible, eat a variety of foods, and have a good relationship with food.

An egg diet does not help you lose weight. It can even be very harmful to your health. If your goal is to lose weight, eliminate unhealthy diets like the egg diet. Remember that the best diet is always a balanced diet that fits your lifestyle.

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